Berbicara yang baik kepada diri sendiri

Berbicara yang baik kepada diri sendiri

Mei 08, 2019
A beautiful sunset a day before my thesis defense

Dua hari lalu seorang sahabat menanyakan kepada saya perihal blog post yang berjudul Things Keeps Me Sane. Salah satu pertanyaan yang dilontarkan adalah secara teknis, bagaimana berbicara yang baik kepada diri sendiri. Pertanyaan yang sangat menarik dan buat saya, ini bagian terpenting dari proses penyembuhan diri yang saya alami satu setengah tahun terakhir.
Saya jadi pengen cerita, kayak gimana sih maksudnya berbicara yang baik kepada diri sendiri..

Mendengarkan diri sendiri
Kita mesti lebih sadar tentang apa yang kita pikirkan terhadap suatu hal. Apakah pikiran itu negatif atau positif. Kadang kita mikir aja gitu tapi tanpa kesadaran bahwa kita berpikiran buruk. Kita bisa istirahat sejenak, fokus, dan identifikasi apa sih yang kita rasakan dan pikirkan. Ini mungkin hal pertama yang bisa kita lakukan. Menyadari apa yang kita pikirkan dan sadar bahwa pikiran buruk tidak baik untuk diri kita sendiri.

Identifikasi kekuatan diri
Dulu saya ini jahat banget ke diri saya sendiri. Saya jauh lebih tau apa kekurangan diri saya daripada kelebihannya. Lalu saya berproses untuk mengidentifikasi apa sih kelebihan-kelebihan yang saya punya. Ini proses yang ngga gampang buat saya, karena ya balik lagi, saya ngga terbiasa melihat hal baik dari diri saya sendiri. Setelah berproses, sekarang ini saya sudah bisa mengidentifikasi dan punya mantra buat diri sendiri, yaitu..
I am such a cool person. I have a good health. I almost get a master’s degree. I appreciate art, I can enjoy my time doing watercolor and my works are pretty beautiful! I am such a loving person. I have sooo many love that I want to share to my family and friends. I am highly compassionate, and I am proud of that. I really love my family and friends. I love taking care of them. I like to spend time with my close circles. When we had problems, I reached out to them. I am able to forgive and forget, which are hard, but I managed to do that most of the time. Those are cool and not so many people want to do that. I am able to do lots of things! I can play guitar a lil bit. I can cook great food. I am doing so many great things and I am wonderful. I like my hair. I like my skin. I like my clothes. My forehead is wide, but I love it. It showed my roots and looks good on me. I love my family. I love my best friends. I have sooo many dreams. I think I am complete as a person.
Hahaha ya gitulah. Bodo amat dibilang lebay.
Ada video keren tentang ini:

I literally did this. Hahaha.

Identifikasi masalah dan fokus ke solusi yang dapat dicapai
Contoh ya (dan ini beneran kejadian), misal pembimbing thesis saya bilang tulisan saya setara anak S1, bukan S2. Gampangnya, saya bilang ke diri saya:
Tuh kan Din. Sotoy sih pake S2 di luar negeri. Tulisan lo jelek. Masa gitu aja ga bisa sih. Banyak loh yang mau kuliah di luar negeri dan jauh lebih pinter dari lo. Lo tuh ga bersyukur banget ya udah kuliah di sini, tapi masih aja ga perform. Dodol banget. Otaknya dipake dong, jangan cuma diem aja. Gitu aja masa ngga bisa sih.
Dalam kehidupan nyata, mungkin banyak juga ya orang yang mikir kayak gitu kepada orang lain. Buat saya, kalo kamu punya temen yang suka ngomong jahat kayak gitu ke kamu, tinggalin atau jauhin. Nah apalagi ke diri sendiri kaan, jangan jahat. Jangan sampe pikiran racun diri kita sendiri menjatuhkan mental kita. Jadi waktu itu, saya bilang ke diri saya sendiri..
Diny, writing is hard, even for a native. They speak English for their whole life and still find it hard to write things. You made it here, which means you have qualities and super lucky. You can do better. You have skills. You just have to spend more time to write and rewrite, edit, edit, and edit. You got it Diny! You can do it. It won’t be easy, but you can do it. Just do it. You are capable of doing all of these.
Gitu aja terus sampe saya bisa fokus ke melakukan solusi, bukan ngatain diri saya sendiri.

Kasih hadiah kepada diri sendiri
Saya kalau pergi ke suatu tempat, pasti mikirnya: ih A pasti suka gadget ini deh, beli ah buat A; ini kan aroma favorit si B, beli ah essential oil buat B. Apakah pada saat yang sama saya berpikir tentang apa yang saya suka? Jarang. Pasti orang lain dulu yang kepikiran. Ketika ke toko buku, saya inget si C. Ke toko asesoris rambut, inget si D, beli buat mereka. Tapi kalau beli buat diri sendiri pasti bilangnya sayang ah uangnya.

Now I am trying to be a good friend to myself. Kalau saya mikir kesukaan orang lain, saya juga berpikir apa yang saya suka dari tempat ini. Kalau saya beli oleh-oleh buat teman, saya juga harus beli untuk diri saya sendiri. Kalau bisa ngga sayang uangnya untuk orang lain, kenapa ngga buat diri sendiri?
Ini contoh-contoh kecil yang sangat berarti buat saya. Bodo amat orang lain mikirnya saya sejelek apa, asalkan saya sayang sama diri saya sendiri, I will be able to do anything in this world.

Jangan biarkan pikiran kita sendiri mempengaruhi kita untuk hal negatif. Kita punya kontrol atas apa yang kita pikirkan. Kalau kita sudah terbisa menyayangi diri dengan berkata yang baik, kita akan bisa melakukan segalanya dan kita berhak merasakan/mendapatkan itu semua.

OK, now, say it with me..
I love my self. I am capable of things. I know who I am and I am enough.
Cheers for a beautiful journey!



I did it!

I did it!

Mei 08, 2019
After several months of struggling with my thesis, I finally passed my thesis defense!

My thesis defense was awesome. I started my day with Taylor Swift's new song, ME!. That song resonated with me as I embracing my individuality and having fun with my self. I took a shower while listening to 'Dance It Out' playlist from my Spotify. I danced and sang and jumped around. I wore dark blue kebaya, blue batik shirt, and a brooch. I had leftover Chinese food for breakfast, with a pinch of boncabe on the fried rice. After I had breakfast, my roommate helped me to blow-dry my hair. Then, I packed my stuff while waiting for a friend who will pick me up. I went to school at around 10 am.

Kebaya set that I choose last year.
The sun shines brightly. The blue skies and little cloud welcomed me to enjoyed that day. I arrived at school and met my advisor. He wore a blue shirt! We were color coordinated beautifully. I had lunch with him and my labmates. Then went to the defense room. I prepared my stuff while listening to some Indonesian traditional music. I am happy a lot of my friends come to the defense.

Me and Pete

The time has come. Pete introduced me, I was just standing in front of the audience with my wide smile. I can't help myself to smile. I am excited, nervous, and happy. Then, I started my presentation. I was a little nervous in the first part. Sometimes I forgot what to say. I took a breath, smiled, and talked again. Haha. I just can't help to smile when I messed up. I finished my presentation after maybe around 45 minutes as I planned. There were a couple of questions.

soo serious
After I finished my presentation, I took pictures with my friends. I went to room 102 for the defense. My committee member asked questions. There were several questions that I can't answer, but overall it went well. After two hours, they asked me to go out of the room. I waited for 5-10 minutes at the atrium. I wanted to go pee, but I don't want to go to the restroom before I passed my defense. After some time, Pete asked me to go back to room 102. He announced that I passed my defense!! Yay!! What a day!

Me and all my committee members
Me with IndoMafia and Lori

I was super duper stressful last semester. But, this semester I tried to enjoy it more. Sometimes, I felt hopeless and upset with my self. That's normal. Most of the time I really really enjoy the process. It was so much fun!

I feel like defense is a final party, to celebrate all the efforts I spent these past months. The party was a blast. I learned a lot of things, happy, and fulfilled.

I am proud of my self.


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